Zog Schemas
Generic Schema Methods
These are methods that can generally be called on any schema type (Some exceptions might exist).
schema.Test(test) // create a custom test
schema.TestFunc(fn) // create a custom test from a function
schema.Required() // marks field as required
schema.Optional() // marks field as optional
schema.Default(value) // sets default value for field
schema.Catch(value) // sets catch value for field
schema.PreTransform(fn) // adds a pre-transformation function to the schema
schema.PostTransform(fn) // adds a post-transformation function to the schema
schema.Parse(data, destPtr) // parses the data into the destination
schema.Validate(dataPtr) // validates the data structure directly. This is a pointer to a struct, slice, string, int, etc...
Utility functions used to configure schemas, executions, tests, etc...
Test Options
These are options that can be passed to any test. For more on this checkout the Anatomy of a Schema page.
z.Message() // sets the issue message for messages generated by the tests
z.MessageFunc(fn) // sets the issue message for messages generated by the tests. This is a function that takes the data as input and returns a string
z.IssueCode() // sets the issue code for messages generated by the tests
z.IssuePath() // sets the issue path for messages generated by the tests
Schema Options
These are options that can be passed to schemas when creating them.
z.WithCoercer(fn) // sets the coercer for the schema. Only does anything if using schema.Parse()
Execution Options
These are options that can be passed to schema.Parse() & schema.Validate(). They configure the execution behaviour of the validation.
z.WithIssueFormatter(fn) // sets the issue formatter for the execution. This is used to format the issues messages during execution.
z.WithCtxValue(key, val) // sets a value in the execution context. This is useful for passing values to tests or post transforms.
Schema Types
// Primitives. Calling .Parse() on these will return []ZogIssue
// Complex Types. Calling .Parse() on these will return map[string][]ZogIssue. Where the key is the field path ("user.email") & $root is the list of complex type level errors not the specific field errors
"name": z.String(),
z.Ptr(z.String()) // pointer to string
Primitive Types
// PreTransforms
z.String().Trim() // trims the input data of whitespace if it is a string (does nothing otherwise)
// Tests / Validations
z.String().Test() // custom test
z.String().Min(5) // validates min length
z.String().Max(10) // validates max length
z.String().Len(5) // validates length
z.String().Email() // validates email
z.String().URL() // validates url
z.String().UUID() // validates uuid v4
z.String().Match(regex) // matches a regex
z.String().Contains(substring) // validates string contains substring
z.String().ContainsUpper() // validates string contains uppercase letter
z.String().ContainsDigit() // validates string contains digit
z.String().ContainsSpecial() // validates string contains special character
z.String().HasPrefix(prefix) // validates string has prefix
z.String().HasSuffix(suffix) // validates string has suffix
z.String().OneOf([]string{"a", "b", "c"}) // validates string is one of the values
Numbers / Ints & Floats
// Tests / Validators
z.Int().GT(n) // validates int is greater than n
z.Float().GTE(n) // validates float is greater than or equal to n
z.Int().LT(n) // validates int is less than n
z.Float().LTE(n) // validates float is less than or equal to n
z.Int().EQ(n) // validates int is equal to n
z.Float().OneOf([]float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}) // validates float is one of the values
// Tests / Validators
z.Bool().True() // validates bool is true
z.Bool().False() // validates bool is false
Times & Dates
Use Time to validate time.Time
// Tests / Validators
z.Time().After(time.Now()) // validates time is after now
z.Time().Before(time.Now()) // validates time is before now
z.Time().Is(time.Now()) // validates time is equal to now
// Schema Options
z.Time(z.Time.Format(time.RFC3339)) // If input is a string, it will be parsed as a time.Time using the provided layout. time.RFC3339 is the default. Keep in mind this coercion only works when using Parse()
Complex Types
Note structs cannot be required or optional. They just pass through to the underlying ZogSchemas for their fields. If you need to express that a struct might exist and if it does it must be valid, you can use a pointer. i.e
// usage
s := z.Struct(z.Schema{
"name": String().Required(),
"age": Int().Required(),
schema.Pick("key1", map[string]bool{"a": true, "b": false}) // creates a new shallow copy of the schema with only the specified fields. It supports both string keys and map[string]bool
schema.Omit("key1", map[string]bool{"a": true, "b": false}) // creates a new shallow copy of the schema omitting the specified fields. It supports both string keys and map[string]bool
schema.Extend(z.Schema{"a": z.String()}) // creates a new shallow copy of the schema with the additional fields
schema.Merge(otherSchema, otherSchema2) // merges two or more schemas into a new schema. Last schema takes precedence for conflicting keys
// Tests / Validators
// None right now
// usage
schema := z.Slice(String())
// Tests / Validators
z.Slice(Int()).Min(5) // validates slice has at least 5 elements
z.Slice(Float()).Max(5) // validates slice has at most 5 elements
z.Slice(Bool()).Length(5) // validates slice has exactly 5 elements
z.Slice(String()).Contains("foo") // validates slice contains the element "foo"
z.Ptr(z.String()) // validates pointer to string
z.Ptr(z.Slice(z.String())) // validates pointer to slice of strings
// Tests / Validators
z.Ptr(z.String()).NotNil() // Validates pointer is not nil. This is equivalent to Required() for other types