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Inside the conf package zog provides a bunch of global configuration options. If you override these options you can change the default behavior of all zog schemas.


During parsing zog will attempt to coerce the data into the correct type. For example if you have a float64 field and the data is a string that contains a number with a comma as the decimal separator, zog will attempt to convert this to a float64. Zog provides a set of default coercer functions for each type, but you can override these globally.

Lets go through an example of overriding the float64 coercer function, because we want to support floats that use a comma as the decimal separator.

import (
// import the conf package

// we override the coercer function for float64
conf.Coercers.Float64 = func(data any) (any, error) {
str, ok := data.(string)
// identify the case we want to override
if !ok && strings.Contains(str, ",") {
return MyCustomFloatCoercer(str)
// fallback to the original function
return conf.DefaultCoercers.Float64(data)

Error Formatting

For information on configuring error formatting globally please refer to the errors page.