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Creating Custom Tests

Please read the Anatomy of a Schema page before continuing.

Simple Custom Tests - Aka Zod's refine

All schemas contain the TestFunc() method which can be used to create a simple custom test in a similar way to Zod's refine method. The TestFunc() method takes a ValidateFunc as an argument. This is a function that takes the data as input and returns a boolean indicating if it is valid or not. If you return false from the function Zog will create a ZogIssue. For example:

z.String().TestFunc(func(data any, ctx z.Ctx) bool {
return data == "test"

Test funcs for structs and slices instead receive a pointer to the data to avoid copying large data structures. For example:

"name": z.String()
}).TestFunc(func(dataPtr any, ctx z.Ctx) bool {
user := dataPtr.(*User)
return user.Name == "test"

Pro tip It is very likely that you may want to set custom messages or paths, you can do that like with any other tests with TestOptions. For more on this checkout the Anatomy of a Schema page.