Creating Custom Tests
Please read the Anatomy of a Schema page before continuing.
Simple Custom Tests - Aka Zod's refine
All schemas contain the TestFunc()
method which can be used to create a simple custom test in a similar way to Zod's refine
method. The TestFunc()
method takes a ValidateFunc
as an argument. This is a function that takes the data as input and returns a boolean indicating if it is valid or not. If you return false
from the function Zog will create a ZogIssue. For example:
z.String().TestFunc(func(data any, ctx z.Ctx) bool {
return data == "test"
Test funcs for structs and slices instead receive a pointer to the data to avoid copying large data structures. For example:
"name": z.String()
}).TestFunc(func(dataPtr any, ctx z.Ctx) bool {
user := dataPtr.(*User)
return user.Name == "test"
Pro tip It is very likely that you may want to set custom messages or paths, you can do that like with any other tests with
. For more on this checkout the Anatomy of a Schema page.