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Zog Context

What is context?

Zog uses a z.Ctx interface to pass around information related to a specific schema.Parse() or schema.Validate() call. Currently use of the parse context is quite limited but it will be expanded upon in the future. It can be used for the following:

Pass custom data to functions

Here is an example with a pretransform

nameSchema := z.String().Min(3).PreTransform(func(data any, ctx z.Ctx) (any, error) {
char := ctx.Get("split_by")
return strings.Split(data.(string), char), nil
nameSchema.Parse("Michael Jackson", &dest, z.WithCtxValue("split_by", " "))

Change the error formatter for this execution

This might be useful for localization, or for changing the error messages for one specific execution.

nameSchema := z.String().Min(3)
nameSchema.Parse(data, &dest, z.WithErrFormatter(MyCustomErrorMessageFormatter))