Getting Started
1 Install
go get
2 Create a user schema and its struct
import (
z ""
type User struct {
Name string
Age int
var userSchema = z.Struct(z.Schema{
// its very important that schema keys like "name" match the struct field name NOT the input data
"name": z.String().Min(3, z.Message("Override default message")).Max(10),
"age": z.Int().GT(18),
3 Validate your schema
Using schema.Parse()
func main() {
u := User{}
m := map[string]string{
"name": "Zog",
"age": "", // won't return an error because fields are optional by default
errsMap := userSchema.Parse(m, &u)
if errsMap != nil {
// handle errors -> see Errors section
u.Name // "Zog"
// note that this might look weird but we didn't say age was required so Zog just skipped the empty string and we are left with the uninitialized int
// If we need 0 to be a valid value for age we can use a pointer to an int which will be nil if the value was not present in the input data
u.Age // 0
Using schema.Validate()
func main() {
u := User{
Name: "Zog",
Age: 0, // wont return an error because fields are optional by default otherwise it will error
errsMap := userSchema.Validate(&u)
if errsMap != nil {
// handle errors -> see Errors section
4. Its easy to use with http & json
The zhttp package has you covered for JSON, Forms and Query Params, just do:
import (
zhttp ""
err := userSchema.Parse(zhttp.Request(r), &user)
If you are receiving json some other way you can use the zjson package
import (
zjson ""
err := userSchema.Parse(zjson.Decode(bytes.NewReader(jsonBytes)), &user)
5. Or to validate your environment variables
The zenv package has you covered, just do:
import (
zenv ""
err := envSchema.Parse(zenv.NewDataProvider(), &envs)
6. You can also parse individual fields
var t = time.Time
errsList := Time().Required().Parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", &t)
7 And do stuff before and after parsing
var dest []string
Slice(String().Email().Required()).PreTransform(func(data any, ctx z.Ctx) (any, error) {
s := data.(string)
return strings.Split(s, ","), nil
}).PostTransform(func(destPtr any, ctx z.Ctx) error {
s := destPtr.(*[]string)
for i, v := range *s {
(*s)[i] = strings.TrimSpace(v)
return nil
}).Parse("[email protected],[email protected]", &dest) // dest = [[email protected] [email protected]]