📄️ Anatomy of the Zog Schema
A zog schema is an interface implemented by multiple custom structs that represent a set of validation and transformation logic for a variable of a given type. For example:
📄️ Parsing vs Validation
Zog supports two main ways of processing data, both of which support the exact same schemas and can be used interchangeably without modifying the schema:
📄️ Parsing
What is schema.Parse()?
📄️ Parsing Results Examples
Under the hood Zog follows the Parsing Execution Structure and does a bunch of things under the hood to make sure your data is parsed correctly. Such as checking for zero values, coercing types, etc...
📄️ Validate
What is schema.Validate()?
📄️ Validation Results Examples
Under the hood Zog follows the Parsing Execution Structure and does a bunch of things under the hood to make sure your data is validated correctly. Such as checking for zero values, etc...