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Using Zog with HTML templates

(In this example I'll use go templ, but you can use any template engine)

Example use case: simplified Signup form validation Imagine our handler looks like this:

type SignupFormData struct {
Email string
Password string

schema := z.Struct(z.Schema{
"email": z.String().Email().Required(),
"password": z.String().Min(8).Required(),

func handleSignup(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var signupFormData = SignupFormData{}
errs := schema.Parse(zhttp.Request(r), &signupFormData)

if errs != nil {
www.Render(signupFormTempl(&signupFormData, errs))
// handle successful signup

templ signupFormTempl(data *SignupFormData, errs z.ZogErrMap) {
<input type="text" name="email" value={data.Email}>
// display only the first error
if e, ok := errs["email"]; ok {
<p class="error">{e[0].Message}</p>
<input type="text" name="password" value={data.Password}>
// display only the first error
if e, ok := errs["password"]; ok {
<p class="error">{e[0].Message}</p>

PS: If you are using go html templates & tailwindcss you might be interesting in my port of tailwind-merge to go.